Saturday, January 24, 2009


With the breath that I took, the sweet, small current of wind that blew past my face, I realized, that there is always hope.  With this realization, a star shot across the sky, hitting the ground several hundred meter's away, causing an enoumous crash.  I shook my head and dust fell from it, and I arose, sweeping across the attic floor and going down the stairs.  In the kitchen, cleaning the dishes gently, was Garth.  He was wearing a red, plad shirt and jeans that fit well.
I walked towards the front door and opened it, staring out at the thing in front of my face.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sarah walked down the dark, stone hallway of the Manor of Claristine, Duke of Riderria. The dark hallway raised chills along Sarah's skin, and she wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to keep some warmth for herself. She neared the end of one hallway and turned the corner, almost screaming as she bumped into a man wearing a tan traveler's cloak. “Harry, you scared me.” Sarah whispered, looking around the hallway for anyone else.

Harry looked worried as he looked at Sarah. “What's wrong” He asked. Sarah shivered slightly in the dampness of the hallway and Harry took his cloak off and wrapped it around her. Sarah wrapped herself in it and shivered again.

“Mr. Claristine is. . . . Vicious.” She said, sounding a hair's breadth away from being terrified. A clatter behind her made her jump, and she turned, into the face of Mr. Claristine.